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Leonard MFR


4.5 años de edad Friesian stallion

Doaitsen 420 Sport x Tsjerk 328

Dam: Lisette

Leonard is one of very few Doaitsen offspring available! Doaitsen was USEF Friesian full and part sire of the year for four years. He has had one year of top training. He responds to aids well, uses his hind end, has great balance, and suppleness. He's been all over the ranch with other horses, alone, goes over water, and runs around horses. Not real studdy around mares.

Titan MFR


1.5 años de edad Friesian stallion

Meinte 490 Sport x Harmen 424

Dam: Brenda

Titan is a well behaved young stallion. The Meinte x Harmen cross bought out very good conformation, movement, and character.
Maddi's Friesian Ranch apoya la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer y Between Horses and Humans